$tot_line = 15;
$refresh = 600; // 600 = 10 minutes
$program = "chat.php";
if (isset($_SESSION["nm"])) {
if (isset($_POST['nm'])) {
$_POST['mg'] = str_replace("\r\n","<dd>",$_POST['mg']);
if ($_SESSION["mg"] == $_POST['mg']) $_POST['mg'] = "";
$_SESSION["mg"] = $_POST['mg'];
$_SESSION["nm"] = $_POST['nm'];
} else {
$_POST['mg'] = "";
} else {
if (isset($_POST['nm'])) {
$_POST['mg'] = str_replace("\r\n","<dd>",$_POST['mg']);
$_SESSION["mg"] = $_POST['mg'];
$_SESSION["nm"] = $_POST['nm'];
if (isset($_POST['clear'])) {
for ($i=1;$i<=$tot_line;$i++) fputs($file,"");
echo "<meta http-equiv=refresh content='0;url=".$program."'>";
<meta http-equiv=content-type content="text/html; charset=windows-874">
<meta http-equiv=refresh content="<?=$refresh?>;url=<?=$program?>">
<body topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 bgcolor=#ddffdd><font color=black face="microsoft sans serif" size=0>
<form action=<?=$program?> method=post><pre><textarea style="background=#ffffdd;" name=mg cols=60 rows=3 wrap=off><?
if (isset($_POST['mg'])) { echo ""; } else { echo "พิมพ์ข้อความของท่านที่นี่"; }
echo "</textarea><br><input style='background=#dddddd;' name=nm size=8 value='";
if (isset($_SESSION['nm'])) { echo $_SESSION['nm']; } else { echo "ชื่อท่าน"; }
echo "'> <input type=submit value=Send> <input type=submit value=Refresh> <input type=submit value='Clear All' name=clear> <input type=button onclick={window.open('".$program."');} value=Enlarge>";
if (isset($_POST['mg']) and strlen($_POST['mg']) > 2
and isset($_POST['nm']) and strlen($_POST['nm']) > 1
and strlen($_POST['mg']) < 1000 and strlen($_POST['nm']) < 20
and $_POST['mg'] != "พิมพ์ข้อความของท่านที่นี่" ) {
for ($i=1;$i<=count($ar)-1;$i++) {
fputs($file,"<font color=red><a title='" . date("d/m/y") . " " .$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "'>".date("H:i:s")."</a></font> <b>");
fputs($file,substr($_POST['nm'],0,15) ."</b> :". $_POST['mg'] . chr(13).chr(10));
if (count($ar) < $tot_line) {
for ($j=count($ar);$j<=$tot_line;$j++) {
fputs($file,"-" . chr(13).chr(10));
echo "<br>[".date("d/m/y H:i:s")."]<br>";
for ($i=count($ar)-1;$i>=0;$i--) {
echo "$ar[$i]";
<br>version 1.480929c
จำนวน : 66 บรรทัด