dim connect, rs, sql, scolor, i, qchoose, qprocess, chk
qchoose = request.form("subj") + request.querystring("subj")
qprocess = request.form("process") + request.querystring("process")
if len(qchoose) < 2 then qchoose = "math01"
if len(qprocess) < 2 then qprocess = "show"
set connect = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
connect.open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" &_
sql = "select * from " + qchoose
set rs = connect.execute(sql)
<html><head><title>Automatic checking</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#ffffdd"><font face="microsoft sans serif" size=0><ul>
if qprocess = "show" then
response.write("<form method=post action=quizauto.asp>")
response.write("<input name=subj type=hidden value=" & qchoose &">")
response.write("<input name=process type=hidden value=check>")
i = 1
if Not rs.eof then rs.MoveFirst
do while Not rs.eof and i <= 10
response.write("<hr><b>"&i& "." &rs("question")&"</b> "&rs("qid")&_
"<br><input type=hidden name=gqid" & i & " value=" &rs("qid") &">"&_
"<input type=hidden name=gans" & i & " value=" &rs("ans") &">"&_
"<input type=radio name=c"&i&" value=1>a. "&rs("choice1")&"<br>"&_
"<input type=radio name=c"&i&" value=2>b. "&rs("choice2")&"<br>"&_
"<input type=radio name=c"&i&" value=3>c. "&rs("choice3")&"<br>"&_
"<input type=radio name=c"&i&" value=4>d. "&rs("choice4")&"<br>")
i = i + 1
response.write( "<input type=submit name=submit value=SendAns>" )
response.write( "<input type=reset name=reset value=Reset></form>" )
i = 1
if Not rs.eof then rs.MoveFirst
do while Not rs.eof and i <= 10
g_qid = request.form("gqid" & i)
g_ans = request.form("gans" & i)
g_c = request.form("c" & i)
response.write( "<hr>"& i & "." & rs("question") & rs("qid") &"<br>")
if g_qid = rs("qid") then
if g_ans = 1 then chk="/" else chk="X" end if
response.write(chk & "a. "& rs("choice1") &"<br>")
if g_ans = 2 then chk="/" else chk="X" end if
response.write(chk & "b. "& rs("choice2") &"<br>")
if g_ans = 3 then chk="/" else chk="X" end if
response.write(chk & "c. "& rs("choice3") &"<br>")
if g_ans = 4 then chk="/" else chk="X" end if
response.write(chk & "d. "& rs("choice4") &"<br>")
if g_ans = g_c then
response.write("Wrong. Try again. [" & g_c & "]")
end if
end if
i = i + 1
end if
set rs = nothing
set connect = nothing
จำนวน : 67 บรรทัด