$tottg = 10;
$totcr = 2;
if (!$group) { $group="tg"; $page=1; $amt=3;}
if ($group == "tg") { $tot=$tottg; }
if ($group == "cr") { $tot=$totcr; }
echo "<form action=galf.php>";
echo "<select name=group><option value=tg ";
if (!$group || $group == "tg") { echo "selected"; }
echo ">2D have $tottg pics <option value=cr ";
if ($group == "cr") { echo "selected"; }
echo ">3D have $totcr pics </select>";
echo "Page number:<input name=page value=";
if ($page) { echo $page; } else { echo "1";};
echo "> Pic/Page:<input name=amt value=";
if ($amt) { echo $amt; } else { echo "3";};
echo "><input type=submit value=GO></form>";
if ($pic) {
echo "<center>Header or your baner<br>";
echo "$pic<br><img src=$pic>";
echo "<br>Your name or Company name";
if ($last >$tot) {$last = $tot;}
for ($i=$first;$i<=$last;$i++) {
printf("<a href=galf.php?pic=$group%02.0f.jpg><img src=$group%02.0ft.jpg></a> ",$i,$i);
$tpage = round($tot / $amt);
if (($tot / $amt) > $tpage) { $tpage++; }
echo "<form action=galf.php>";
echo "<input type=hidden name=group value=$group>";
echo "<input type=hidden name=amt value=$amt>";
echo "Page: ";
for ($i=1;$i<=$tpage;$i++) {
if ($i == $page) { echo "<input type=button name=page value=$i>";
} else { echo "<input type=submit name=page value=$i>"; }
echo "</form>";
จำนวน : 41 บรรทัด